Simplify and Shine - Start Here - Introduction

Hi there! I’m Stina and welcome to Simplify and Shine!

Welcome to this blog and website, dedicated to assisting you in achieving a greater sense of balance in your life through the practices of decluttering and self-care.

It’s no secret that in today’s world, we’re all caught up in this never-ending race to do more, achieve greater things, buy the latest gadgets, and just constantly strive to be more than what we are right now. But let’s take a step back and ask ourselves: is all this hustle and bustle actually bringing us the happiness we’re after?

I’m not so sure…

In today’s fast-paced world, the challenges of modern life can often take their toll. we are constantly bombarded with messages urging us to do more, achieve more, buy more, and BE more… But more of all these things doesn’t mean we’re happier or more fulfilled. In fact, it can often have the opposite effect.

If you’re feeling overstretched or overwhelmed, unsettled or frustrated by the demands of a busy home and a hectic lifestyle, I hope I can help. Together, let’s discover a way to declutter and simplify your home, schedule, heart and mind. By embracing simplicity, we can work towards achieving a better balance in your life, aka your SHINE!

About Me

In 2014, I reached a breaking point as my home had become overwhelmingly cluttered. We were a family of 4 (2 adults + 2 children) living in a 90 sqm apartment with very little storage. Belongings were overflowing from every room, suffocating and overwhelming me and I spent too much time tidying and cleaning. It was during this period of intense frustration that I discovered the concepts of minimalism and decluttering. Initially sceptical, I began to delve deeper into the philosophy of minimalism and realised its profound implications.

Minimalism offered more than just an organised living space; it presented an opportunity for transformation and liberation. Embracing minimalism became the catalyst for change as I recognised that excess possessions not only occupied physical space but also took a toll on my mental and emotional well-being. I actively engaged in intentional decluttering, releasing the attachment to material possessions that had held me captive for so long. Gradually, I experienced an immense sense of relief and freedom as I let go of the excess and embraced a simpler, purposeful life.

Minimalism not only helped me create a harmonious and serene living environment but also redirected my focus toward what truly mattered – experiences, relationships, personal growth, and self-care. Since that transformative moment in 2014, I have continued to embrace minimalism as a guiding principle, striving for a life defined by simplicity, intentionality, and clarity.

Read more about me here if you are new around here and would like to get to know me and my story. You’ll find out why I’m so passionate about sharing the message of simplifying your life and embracing self-care.

Why the blog

Having experienced the struggles of balancing a career and a young family, I understand the challenges of trying to give 100% to everything. Despite working hard for a better life, I found myself overwhelmed and unable to enjoy it due to a lack of time and energy. This cluttered and complex lifestyle took a toll on my physical and mental health.

At one point in my life, I found myself struggling to juggle my career, family life, university, my health and numerous other commitments. The stress and pressure of it all eventually led me to experience burnout.

Although I knew change was necessary, I had no idea where to start and lacked the energy to make the necessary adjustments. However, with time and effort, I was able to incorporate simple changes to simplify my life through decluttering and self-care.

Now years later, drawing from almost a decade of experience in simplifying my life, I started this blog to offer encouragement, support, and motivation to others who may find themselves in a similar situation. My hope is to help others avoid the mistakes I made along the way to get you from being overwhelmed to enjoying a balanced simpler life.

When I think about my journey I feel like it consists of two aspects;

Simplifying and Finding My Shine

Decluttering living space, streamlining my lifestyle, prioritising meaningful aspects and embracing self-care without conditions have been the core pillars guiding me towards a more fulfilling life for both myself and my loved ones.

I have embarked on a journey of decluttering and simplifying various aspects of my life, including my possessions, daily routines, household tasks, and even my social connections. Moreover, I have actively incorporated practices that promote my mental, emotional and physical well-being. Through these efforts, I have witnessed personal growth, strengthening my roles as a spouse, parent and friend. Today I can confidently say I’ve found a way to shine my brightest self!


There are many practical and not-so-drastic ways to create a more simplistic lifestyle for yourself, and the benefits are proven by science. The concept of “simple living” or “voluntary simplicity” has gained recognition as a lifestyle with a rich historical background. This way of life emphasises reducing consumption and refraining from the excessive pursuit of wealth and material possessions. Those who embrace voluntary simplicity seek a life that is simpler yet more meaningful. In fact, various religious groups, ranging from medieval monastic orders to contemporary communities like the Amish and Quakers, consider simple living to be a fundamental aspect of their teachings.

During the 90s, the concept of minimalism, which includes elements of simple living, also became popular. Minimalism, as defined by the Minimalists, is a tool to rid yourself of life’s excess in favour of focusing on what’s important – so you can find happiness, fulfilment, and freedom.

While minimalism primarily focuses on reducing or giving up possession, living a simple life often includes more elements. It’s about choosing carefully what you want to include in your life, living your life on your own terms. Simple living stands in contrast to the prevalent values ingrained in Western society, which many of us have been raised with. Choosing a simple life involves shedding unnecessary clutter and redirecting one’s time and energy towards the aspects that hold the utmost importance to them.


Self-care is an important part of living a healthy and happy lifestyle. Simply put, self-care is any activity that we do deliberately in order to take care of our emotional, physical, and mental health. And it’s actually not as complicated as one might think, self-care is just what it sounds like: taking care of yourself.

These days, when people talk about self-care they are generally talking about the conscious and deliberate choice to do something that looks after you and your wellbeing.

It’s important to remember that self-care is not a selfish act. It’s also not something we force ourselves to do or something we don’t enjoy doing. It’s about considering our needs, knowing what we need in order to take care of ourselves, and giving ourselves the time and place to do so.

Self-care isn’t one specific activity or even a set of activities. It’s a mindset and a combination of many different practices. Built upon many layers and angles. There are key habits, our basic needs, like eating nourishing food, getting enough sleep, moving your body, and taking care of your home and your career. And although we all share the same basic needs our upbringing and our circumstances make each of us different.

How to Simplify and Shine

Simplify and Shine is the signature, transformative coaching program designed to help you simplify and shine bright in all areas of your well-being. In the program, we focus on two key aspects: simplifying your life by decluttering things that no longer serve you and adding healthy self-care activities to nurture your emotional, physical and mental health.

“Simplify” is about streamlining your life and removing unnecessary clutter. We often find ourselves overwhelmed by the demands of modern life, juggling various responsibilities, possessions, and commitments. This program will guide you through the process of decluttering both your physical and mental spaces. By identifying and letting go of the things that no longer bring you joy or serve a purpose, you can create a sense of freedom and lightness. We will help you develop practical strategies to organise your living environment, optimise your schedule, and prioritise your goals.

But Simplify is just the beginning. We believe that true happiness and well-being come from not only simplifying but also taking care of yourself in a holistic way. That’s where “Shine” comes into play. We encourage you to prioritise self-care and add activities that nourish all aspects of your wellness.

“Shine” involves working with you to develop personalised self-care practices that align with your interests, values, and needs. From mindfulness exercises to regular physical activity, from nurturing relationships to pursuing hobbies, we will help you discover the activities that bring you joy, peace and a sense of fulfilment.

The Simplify and Shine coaching program offers a supportive and empowering environment where you can explore and make positive changes in your life. We will guide you through the process, providing personalised guidance, motivation, and accountability. We believe that everyone has the power to simplify their lives and shine brightly, and we are here to help you unlock your full potential.

By embracing the principles of Simplify and Shine, you can experience a profound transformation in your life. You will learn to let go of the unnecessary, reduce stress, and create more space for the things that truly matter. Simultaneously, you will cultivate a deep sense of self-care, nurturing your emotional well-being, fostering healthy relationships, and enhancing your overall quality of life.

Are you ready to embark on this journey of simplification and shining bright? Join us in the Simplify and Shine coaching program and discover the power of living a simplified, balanced and joyful life.

The doors are opening soon!