Decluttering Simplify

20 Ways I’ve Simplified My Life

20 ways I’ve simplified my life: Uncover the secrets to a more fulfilling existence with these practical strategies. Dive into this insightful blog post and learn firsthand how I’ve simplified my daily routine, decluttered my environment, and freed up valuable mental space.

If your life feels busy and cluttered, know that you’re not alone. I’ve been there too, trapped in a never-ending cycle of stress and overwhelm. However, I made a conscious decision to seek a simpler life, and it has made all the difference.

For years, I carried the weight of stress and overwhelm until I made a deliberate choice to pursue a simpler way of living. Admittedly, it wasn’t an easy journey, I was used to buying what I wanted and I was drowning in possessions that had little value at the end of the day and I wasn’t spending my time wisely.

But as I embarked on the path of simplification, I was very pleasantly surprised by the incredible results. I even took it a step further and fully embraced the minimalist lifestyle, which has liberated me in various aspects of life. However, whether you’re drawn to minimalism or not, you can still experience the benefits of simplifying your life.

Now, let me share with you 20 simple steps you can take to simplify your life and create some breathing space along the way.

20 Ways I've Simplified My Life
Photo Credit: Canva

How to Simplify Life (What Worked for Me)

I want to emphasise right from the start that my way of simplifying life is just one approach among many. It’s not the only way or even the best way for everyone. However, I’m sharing my story with the hope of inspiring you to examine your own everyday life and identify opportunities that align with your values, priorities, and lifestyle.

If this blog post can help even one person take a deep breath at the end of the day, experiencing reduced stress and more space, then, it brings me immense joy. I want to support and encourage you on your journey towards simplicity.

Also, please remember that you don’t have to feel pressured to follow my path exactly. We all walk our paths in life, and I hold no judgment here. The key is to find what works for you and brings you peace and contentment. So, on that note, let’s dive in and explore the possibilities of simplification together!

1 Downsize your home

Consider decluttering and downsizing your living space. Honestly, the bigger your house, the more you can collect and store! By letting go of unnecessary possessions and embracing a minimalist mindset, you’ll create a more serene and manageable environment. Decluttering my home has been one of the most significant changes I’ve made since embracing minimalist living.

2 Let go of things that you can’t control

Embracing the art of letting go is a powerful way to simplify your life and find greater peace within. Recognise that there are things beyond your control and learn to release them with grace. Relinquishing attachment to trivial matters, you free up precious time and energy to focus on what truly matters.

When something arises that doesn’t align with your priorities or schedule, allow yourself to let it go without regrets or guilt. Understand that not everything deserves your attention or holds significance in the grand scheme of things. By detaching yourself from unnecessary burdens, you create space for more meaningful experiences and relationships.

Remember, being attached to everything can lead to unnecessary stress and overwhelm. By consciously choosing to let go and move on, you empower yourself to live in the present moment and direct your energy towards endeavours that bring fulfilment and joy.

Simplifying your life involves prioritising what truly matters and shedding the weight of what doesn’t. Practice the art of letting go with a compassionate heart, understanding that by releasing what you can’t control, you gain freedom, clarity, and a renewed sense of purpose. Embrace this philosophy, and watch as your life becomes lighter, more meaningful, and filled with greater contentment.

3 Do less housework

I’m not saying you should stop keeping your home clean. But when you simplify and minimise you will have less items to clean and it will also be easier. Simplify your housework routine by implementing efficient cleaning habits and decluttering regularly. Embrace the mantra “less is more” when it comes to maintaining a tidy and organised home.

Adopt a cleaning schedule that works for you and your home. Figure out which areas of your home need regular attention and prioritise them. Split tasks into day, weekly, and monthly categories to stay on top of things.

Make cleaning a part of your daily routine by doing small tasks like tidying up and wiping down surfaces. For bigger cleaning sessions, set aside specific time slots each week. Break down tasks in to smaller, manageable chunks.

4 Watch less TV

Making a conscious effort to watch less TV can bring about significant positive changes in your life. By limiting your television time, you open up opportunities to reclaim precious moments and engage in a variety of fulfilling activities that can enhance your overall well-being. It opens up a world of possibilities for personal growth, connection, and enjoyment. It allows you to explore new activities, foster relationships, and pursue passions that may have been neglected in the past.

5 Embrace simple eating

Now this one might sound strange coming from a person who also blogs about food. But hear me out. I’m not preaching McDonalds every night here! Embracing a simple approach can have a profound impact on your health and well-being. By simplifying your diet and prioritising whole foods, you can cultivate a sustainable and nourishing way of eating that supports your body’s needs.

Instead of getting caught up in complex recipes that demand excessive time and effort, opt for simplicity when planning your meals. Focus on incorporating whole, unprocessed foods into your diet, such as fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins, and healthy fats. These nutrient-dense options provide a wide array of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants that contribute to your overall health.

When you simplify your eating habits, you allow yourself to truly appreciate the natural flavours and textures of the foods you consume. When choosing fresh, seasonal produce and minimally processed ingredients, you can experience the vibrant tastes and goodness that nature has to offer.

6 Automate, automate, automate

In today’s fast-paced world, time is a precious commodity. We often find ourselves juggling multiple responsibilities and demands of our daily lives. Take advantage of technology and automate repetitive tasks wherever possible. Set up automatic bill payments, use scheduling apps, and streamline your digital workflows to free up time for what truly matters.

Setting up automatic bill payments is a simple yet effective way to ensure that your bills are paid on time, every time. By linking your bank account or credit card to your recurring bills, you can eliminate the hassle of manually remembering due dates and avoid late payment fees. This not only saves you time but also helps maintain a good credit score by ensuring timely payments.

Scheduling apps are another powerful tool for automation. Whether it’s managing your appointments, meetings, or even your personal tasks, these apps can be a game-changer. By digitising your calendar and leveraging smart features like reminders and notifications, you can stay on top of your schedule effortlessly. These apps can also sync across multiple devices, keeping you updated and organised wherever you go.

7 Save an emergency fund

20 Ways I've Simplified My Life - How to simplify your life - Save an emergency fund
Photo Credit: Canva

Create financial stability and reduce stress by establishing an emergency fund. Having a safety net allows you to navigate unexpected circumstances with peace of mind. Life has a way of throwing curveballs our way, whether it’s a sudden job loss, a medical emergency, or a major car repair. Without an emergency fund, these unexpected events can leave us scrambling to cover expenses and potentially racking up debt. However, by diligently setting aside a portion of your income into an emergency fund, you can build a cushion that provides financial security during challenging times. Ideally, aim to save three to six months’ worth of living expenses, but even starting with a smaller amount can make a difference. By having this safety net, you’ll have the necessary funds to handle unforeseen circumstances without derailing your long-term financial goals. It’s an investment in your peace of mind and a proactive step towards a more secure future.

8 Dress with a minimalist wardrobe

How to simplify your life -  Minimalist Wardrobe
Photo Credit: Canva

Curate a minimalist wardrobe filled with versatile, high-quality pieces that not only reflect your personal style but also offer practicality and functionality. Embracing a minimalist approach to your clothing choices can have numerous benefits. By streamlining your wardrobe, you save valuable time and energy that would otherwise be spent rummaging through a cluttered closet each morning. With fewer options, decision fatigue becomes a thing of the past, allowing you to focus your mental energy on more important tasks throughout the day.

When building a minimalist wardrobe, prioritise quality over quantity. Invest in well-made garments that stand the test of time and are crafted from durable materials. Versatility is key, so choose pieces that can be mixed and matched effortlessly to create a variety of stylish outfits. A well-chosen collection of basics, such as a classic white shirt, tailored trousers, a little black dress, and a versatile blazer, can form the foundation of a minimalist wardrobe.

By embracing a minimalist wardrobe, you not only declutter your physical space but also cultivate a sense of personal style that is timeless and refined. Rather than being driven by fast fashion trends, you can focus on building a collection of pieces that truly resonate with you and align with your values. This intentional approach to dressing not only promotes a more sustainable and eco-friendly lifestyle but also helps you develop a signature style that is uniquely yours.

So, take the time to assess your current wardrobe, donate or sell items that no longer serve you, and gradually curate a collection of pieces that are versatile, high-quality, and reflective of your personal style. Embracing a minimalist wardrobe is a conscious choice that brings simplicity, ease, and a sense of personal expression to your daily attire.

9 Make laundry day easier

Laundry can often be a major pain point, especially if you have a big family. The secret to making it less stressful is twofold:

  1. Minimise your clothing as mentioned above.
  2. Set a laundry process/schedule so it’s integrated into your week instead of an afterthought.

There are millions of great blogs and articles about the “best” laundry hack on the internet but the main thing is that you need to create a schedule that works specifically for you and your needs – so that you stay on top of your clothes, and laundry never has a chance to pile up.

First thing you need to do is knowing roughly how many washes you need to do in a week to keep on top of things. If you’re not sure, then track what you wash for a couple of weeks to get an average. You can simply put a piece of paper above the washing machine and record the date of each wash and what was washed.


For example – my washing week consists of 1 load of towels, 1 load of bedding, 2-3 loads of dark wash, 1 load of white wash and 1 load of cloths and dish towels. This equals to 7 loads a week and I can easily do one load a day.

I typically put the laundry in the machine at night before I go to bed and set a timer for it to be done by the time I wake up, then I can quickly hang up the clothes as a part of my morning routine. Then keep the machine open for the rest of the day to dry.

10 Plan to shop

We live in a world driven by consumerism and it’s easy to fall into the trap of impulse buying and accumulating unnecessary items. However, by adopting a mindful approach to shopping, you can regain control over your spending habits and make more intentional choices. One effective strategy is to plan your shopping in advance, creating a thoughtful shopping list and discerning between your actual needs and wants.

As you plan your shopping it’s important to prioritise essential items that support your basic needs. Start by considering items related to health, hygiene, and food. These are necessities that should always be at the top of your list. Next, think about any upcoming events, special occasions, or time-sensitive needs that require specific purchases. By addressing the essentials first, you can allocate your budget more effectively and avoid getting sidetracked by non-essential items.

20 ways I’ve simplified my life

11 Unplug from media that promotes unrealistic standards and unhealthy comparisons

20 ways to simplify - Unplug from media that promote unhealthy comparison
Photo Credit: Canva

In today’s digital age, we are constantly bombarded with images and messages that shape our perception of beauty, success, and happiness. Magazines, online platforms, and various media outlets often promote unrealistic standards and encourage unhealthy comparisons. However, it’s important to recognize the negative impact these mediums can have on our self-esteem and well-being. Consuming content that showcases airbrushed images, digitally manipulated bodies, and curated lifestyles can lead to self-doubt, low self-esteem, and a constant sense of inadequacy.

The comparison trap is another peril that arises from engaging with such media, as we constantly measure ourselves against unattainable ideals or the seemingly perfect lives of others. It’s crucial to break free from this cycle and redirect our focus toward nurturing self-esteem, embracing authenticity, and practicing self-acceptance.

By unplugging from magazines and any other medium that encourages unhealthy comparisons, we can create space for self-appreciation, celebrate our unique qualities, and cultivate a strong sense of self-worth. Embracing our imperfections and accepting ourselves as we are allows us to focus on personal growth, nurturing our passions, and fostering genuine connections with others. Remember, you are worthy and deserving of love and acceptance exactly as you are.

12 Simplify your beauty routine

How to simplify your beauty routine
Photo Credit: Canva

Simplifying your beauty routine and reducing the number of products you use can have numerous benefits. By letting go of the urge to experiment with various beauty products, you can save time, streamline your routine, and declutter your vanity. Instead of constantly seeking out new products, focus on identifying the essentials that work well for you. This approach not only saves you from the overwhelm of countless options but also allows you to invest in quality products that truly deliver results. Embracing a minimalist approach to beauty not only simplifies your life but also helps you cultivate a sense of contentment and confidence in your own natural beauty. So, take a step back from the never-ending pursuit of new beauty products and embrace simplicity, efficiency, and the joy of a decluttered beauty routine.

13 Use rules and filters to manage your inbox

Use rules and filters to manage your inbox effectively and regain control over email overload. By setting up rules and filters, you can automate the process of organising and prioritising incoming messages. These tools enable you to establish criteria based on sender, subject, keywords, or other attributes, allowing your email client to automatically sort messages into specific folders or apply labels.

This approach ensures that your inbox remains clutter-free, making it easier to locate important emails and reducing the time spent sifting through irrelevant or low-priority messages. With a well-structured and organised inbox, you can focus on handling critical emails promptly, boosting your productivity and minimising stress. Take advantage of the rules and filters feature provided by your email provider to streamline your email management and maintain a more efficient and organised digital workspace.

14 Try time-blocking and energy tracking

Boost your productivity and maximise your efficiency by incorporating time-blocking techniques and energy tracking into your daily routine. Time-blocking involves setting aside specific blocks of time for different tasks or activities, allowing you to focus your attention on one task at a time. By dedicating uninterrupted periods to specific activities, you can minimize distractions and improve your concentration.

Additionally, tracking your energy levels throughout the day enables you to identify your peak productivity hours. By understanding when you feel most alert and energised, you can allocate those times for tasks that require more focus and cognitive effort. Likewise, you can schedule less demanding or routine tasks during periods when your energy naturally dips. This approach helps you align your activities with your energy levels, optimizing your productivity and preventing burnout. Incorporating time-blocking and energy tracking techniques empowers you to make the most of your time and leverage your energy effectively, leading to enhanced productivity and a greater sense of accomplishment.

15 Surround yourself with awesome people

Surrounding yourself with awesome people can have a profound impact on your well-being and personal growth. Cultivating meaningful relationships with supportive and inspiring individuals creates a positive and enriching environment. Seek out deep connections with people who bring joy, encouragement, and positivity to your life. These relationships can provide a sense of belonging, emotional support, and a space for personal and intellectual growth.

By surrounding yourself with awesome people, you create a network of individuals who inspire and challenge you to reach your full potential. Their presence can fuel your motivation, broaden your perspective, and uplift your spirits during both triumphs and challenges. Remember, the quality of your relationships can significantly influence your happiness and overall fulfilment, so invest your time and energy in nurturing connections with people who bring out the best in you.

16 Drive one car or go car-free

How to simplify your life - go car free or reduce driving
Photo Credit: Canva

However, if the circumstances allow, considering alternative transportation options like cycling, walking, or public transit can still be worth exploring. These choices can potentially reduce expenses, environmental impact, and simplify daily commuting. By being mindful of individual circumstances, we can each find a transportation solution that works best for us while promoting a more sustainable future.


17 Spend on things that make life easier

Just because you are simplifying or being more minimalistic it doesn’t mean you should deny yourself of things that make life easier. Make conscious choices to spend on things that make life easier and improve your overall well-being. Instead of mindlessly accumulating possessions, invest in tools, services, or experiences that simplify your daily routines and add genuine value to your life. Prioritise quality over quantity, seeking out items that are built to last and designed to enhance convenience.

This could be investing in time-saving gadgets, smart home devices, or services that automate repetitive tasks, freeing up more time for activities you truly enjoy. Additionally, explore experiences that contribute to your personal growth, relaxation, or fulfilment. This could include wellness retreats, educational courses, or travel adventures that broaden your horizons and provide meaningful experiences. By consciously directing spending towards things that genuinely improve your life, you create a sense of ease, efficiency, and satisfaction, ultimately leading to a more balanced and fulfilling lifestyle.

A few of the things that I’ve spent money on to simplify my life are my robot hoover, my air fryer and when times are very busy I have hired a cleaner for the home.

18 Slow down + spend time outdoors

In the midst of our fast-paced lives, it is important to intentionally slow down and make time to connect with nature. One of the ways I’ve simplified my life is to embrace moments of tranquility by spending time outdoors, allowing yourself to breathe in the fresh air and immerse yourself in the natural beauty that surrounds you.

There are many benefits of being in nature: It has been shown to reduce stress levels and boost your mood, improve cognitive function, increase your overall physical health, and even lower the risk of death from cardiovascular disease. Even if you live in a city or have limited access to green space—or both—the outdoors is still accessible through parks and public spaces. Take advantage of these opportunities to go for walks; explore by bike; go on hikes, or simply sit outside on your stoop or balcony with a cup of coffee.

19 Minimise the unenjoyable

We often tend to focus on the major aspects of our lives, such as work or relationships, without realising that the little things can accumulate and chip away at our enjoyment. It’s crucial to recognise the seemingly insignificant elements that subtly drain our energy and diminish our quality of life. These could include uninteresting TV shows, tedious interactions with certain people, forcing yourself to go out when you’d rather stay in, consuming foods that make you feel unwell, or engaging in time-wasting activities.

Although they may seem insignificant on their own, these unenjoyable aspects have the power to become deeply ingrained in our daily routines, making them feel normal and unavoidable. However, they don’t have to be the norm. Simplifying your life is a powerful strategy for creating more space for the things you truly desire and value.

By acknowledging and addressing these minor but impactful factors, you can begin to reclaim your joy and enhance your overall well-being. Letting go of what doesn’t serve you opens up possibilities for a more fulfilling and purposeful existence. So, take the courageous step of acknowledging the unenjoyable aspects of your life, and embark on the path of simplification and intentional living.

20 Cultivate self-acceptance

Simplify your life by cultivating self-acceptance
Photo Credit: Canva

Cultivate self-acceptance as an essential aspect of minimising the unenjoyable in your life. Above all, it’s crucial to embrace and fully accept who you are, embracing your unique qualities and quirks. Release the burden of striving for perfection or constantly comparing yourself to others. Instead, redirect your energy towards nurturing self-love, building confidence, and fostering authenticity.

Self-acceptance allows you to recognise and appreciate your strengths and weaknesses without judgment or self-criticism. It frees you from the trap of seeking external validation and empowers you to live authentically, embracing your true essence. By embracing your individuality, you unlock the potential for genuine happiness and contentment, unencumbered by the pressure to conform or meet society’s expectations.

Embracing self-acceptance also allows you to set boundaries and make choices that align with your values and desires. You no longer need to seek validation or conform to others’ expectations, as you have already accepted and embraced yourself for who you are. This self-acceptance creates a solid foundation for building a life that is truly aligned with your authentic self, leading to greater fulfilment and a deeper sense of satisfaction.

20 ways I've simplified my life - Pinterest Pin - How to simplify your life

In conclusion, I’ve shared 20 ways I’ve simplified my life, but I want you to know that you don’t have to do them all. These practices have contributed to my satisfaction and contentment, but I don’t do them all the time. Simplifying your life is about finding what resonates with you and making small changes at your own pace.

Simplicity doesn’t mean depriving yourself; it’s about letting go of excess and embracing what truly matters. Take it one step at a time and be kind to yourself. Whether it’s streamlining routines, decluttering spaces, or adopting mindful practices, simplicity can bring peace and fulfilment.

Embrace the journey and find solace in the little joys of life. Each step towards simplicity can lead to a more content and satisfying life. Remember, it’s the small changes that make the biggest impact. Here’s to a life of simplicity and fulfilment!

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