
20 Self-Care Sunday Ideas to Rest and Recharge

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20 Self-Care Sunday Ideas to Rest and Recharge. Learn how to take the best care of yourself to be your best self!

For many people, weekends are when they spend time relaxing with family and friends and taking a break from work. It’s also when they come up with self-care ideas to help them rest and relax.

Many people now understand the importance of self-care, though it is a reasonably new concept. You probably engage in self-care every day to combat feelings of stress and unwind — which can be traced back to the origins of this idea. Whether you’re just starting out with self-care or new to the term, there are many ways to practice this skill.

20 Self-Care Sunday Ideas to Try This Weekend

Self-care ideas to try

1 Take a break from the news

It’s easy to become overwhelmed by conflicting news reports about the things going on in the world. Especially when certain websites are publishing misinformation just to get more views. The weekend is a time for relaxing and you probably have a lot on your plate on the weekdays. As a result, it’s a good idea to take a little break from the world news during weekends, and to limit how much attention you pay to the news; you want to be informed about what’s closing and what steps you should take to stay healthy, but determine how much news is healthy for you on a daily basis and try to stick with that.

If you can’t escape from the news on social media because of your friends’ posts or suggested stories, limit how much time you spend there as well. When watching the news or reading news articles, make sure it’s from a reliable source that’s giving valuable, trustworthy information.

2 Pick a hobby and learn something new

This one may seem like biting off more than you can chew, especially when you’re busy with work and other responsibilities. But hobbies are a great way to keep your brain active and engaged, which is important for both physical and mental health. Plus, hobbies can give you new skills that help you develop professionally.

clearning clutter around your home can help reduce stress

3 Clear out physical clutter

If you’re feeling overwhelmed by the physical clutter in your home, consider taking a step back and looking at your belongings with fresh eyes. Are there items that you no longer need or use? Is there an area of your home that is out of control? Consider donating these items to a local thrift store or charity so that they can find new life.

4 Go for a hike or a long walk

Hiking, walking, and other outdoor activities can help reduce stress and improve your mental health. A self-care Saturday in which you go for a walk or hike is one of the best ways to take care of yourself. It’s easy to do, and it can help you feel more connected to nature—even if it’s only for a short time!

5 Go to bed early

Getting enough sleep is an important part of good self-care. Research suggests that maintaining a consistent sleep schedule can help you get better quality rest, and may help prevent excess weight gain, heart disease, and increased illness duration.

If you aren’t sleeping well, try going to bed earlier. Not getting enough sleep can make you irritable and more likely to feel stressed.

6 Socialise with other people

It can be hard to find a balance between work and play, but if you want to relieve stress and keep your mind off of your worries, try scheduling some time each week to hang out with friends or family. You could even try video chatting with them, which is a fun alternative to in-person visits or phone calls. And if you get really into it, there are even websites that let you play games with people all over the world over the internet!

7 Plan a holiday (or a staycation)

While on the topic of planning, it’s always good to have something to look forward to. There are times when we all need a little break from the everyday grind. Plan a weekend getaway or, if you’re on a budget, try a staycation at home.

Self-care Sunday ideas to rest and recharge

8 Take yourself on a date

Take yourself on a date to a cafe, bookstore, or spa. Dress up and treat yourself to dinner at an amazing restaurant. Spend the day having fun with a movie and dessert. Make it special by enjoying it outside in the park.

9 Have a pyjamas lazy day

If your work requires you to look your best every day, try taking a break from being put together for the weekend. Put on fresh pyjamas, maybe even your favourite ones, and just veg out on the sofa all day.

self-care ideas that help you rest and recharge

20 Self-Care Sunday Ideas to Rest and Recharge

10 Start a gratitude journal

Becoming more grateful can help you cope with the stress and negativity in your life. Write down three things you’re thankful for every day, whether it’s a good meal or a kind gesture. You’ll feel more positive at bedtime, and this list will remind you of the blessings in your life when you look back over it at the end of each year.

11 Call an old friend

It might be hard to reach out to an old friend or colleague when you haven’t spoken in a while, but it can be incredibly rewarding. When you reach out, there might be a moment of angst or nervousness as you write an email, text or pick up the phone to call someone. But imagine how great it would feel if you were on the receiving end—you’d probably feel honoured! So why not take some time for yourself this weekend and connect with someone from your past?

create a vision board to focus on what you want in life

12 Create a vision board

If you’ve never considered doing a vision board, it’s worth thinking about. A fundamental part of self-care is asking yourself if you’re happy with how you spend your time, and what you’re accomplishing in life. Self-care is tied closely to self-discovery.

Create a vision board to remind yourself of the things that you want in life, and hang it somewhere you will see it every day. Have fun with it! There are really no rules when it comes to vision boards since it’s about crafting something that will inspire you to realize your dreams and goals on a daily basis.

13 Listen to inspiring podcasts

Many people listen to podcasts on a weekly basis and have a list of podcasts they hope to hear more from. But there’s rarely enough time to catch up on all the episodes you missed during the week. A great self-care Sunday activity is to listen to your most inspiring podcasts while getting fresh air on a bike ride, long walk or sunrise hike.

reading is a good self-care habit

14 Read a new book

When life is overwhelming, sometimes all you need is to escape into a book. Reading books benefits both your physical and mental health, and those benefits can last a lifetime. Research shows that regular reading improves brain connectivity, increases your vocabulary and comprehension, empowers you to empathise with other people, reduces stress, and can help prevent cognitive decline as you age.

15 Say no when you need to

When you’re overwhelmed, it’s OK to say no to things you don’t want to do. If someone asks for a favour but you have too much on your plate right now, tell them you’re overwhelmed and can’t help them right now. A good friend will understand and respect your boundaries.

baking is good self-care

16 Try baking something you’ve never tried before

There’s something comforting about the smell of baked goods. If you love to bake or if you enjoy the show The Great British Baking Show, like me, it’s fun to think about making something new. Not only is it a good way to challenge yourself, but it’s also a great way to learn something new and acquire new skills as a baker. You can really focus on the present moment and enjoy the task at hand by doing this as one of your self-care Sunday ideas.

17 Love yourself

Loving yourself provides you with self-confidence and self-worth, and in general, you feel more positive. If you can learn to love yourself, you will feel happier and will learn to take better care of yourself.

Make a list of things you love about yourself and remind yourself of those things often. You are worthy of love and no one is more important than you are.

20 Self-Care Sunday Ideas for the week ahead

18 Plan self-care for the week ahead

Set aside a little time on your Sunday to plan the following week. That way you can actively build self-care time into your week. And once it’s scheduled, it becomes a new habit, meaning you’re that much more likely to make it a priority each week.

When you set aside time during the week for taking care of your health and well-being, you’re showing yourself that you have the power to take good care of yourself. It will also help to make your week less stressful.

19 Ditch toxic relationships

If your weekend is spent with people who either bring you down or add stress to your life it might be time to reconsider having a relationship with those people. If someone in your life isn’t adding anything of value and just causes you pain, maybe it’s time to let them go. It can be hard, especially if you have memories of a time when things were good, but sometimes people grow in different directions and a previously good relationship can turn sour.

Self-care Sunday ideas to rest and recharge

20 Accept what you cannot control

It can be difficult to accept what we cannot change. It’s natural to feel anxious and helpless—but it is possible to accept the situation, even if it’s not easy at first. Try to change your perspective, and realise that you can only control your reaction to the situation. All things are temporary—this struggle will pass. In time you’ll look back and see how much stronger you are because of that challenge.

Whether you love self-care and know a lot about it or are new to the concept, the article above offers more ways you can incorporate self-care into your everyday routine. Maybe implement some of these tips in your life and see if they have any positive effects on how you feel. Self-care is all about cultivating better living habits. Giving yourself what you need mentally and physically is an integral part of a healthy lifestyle. Start out slow and work your way up — and always practice moderation so that you can still enjoy your downtime.

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