6 simple practices to handle holiday stress. Tis the season to be jolly but many also find this time stressful. If that’s you this article might help.
“Tis the season to be jolly”—but isn’t that always easier said than done? If you’re like me, the holidays can also be stressful! Whether it’s money concerns, travel plans or just too much work to do on top of all the holiday preparations, the stress of this season can be overwhelming at times—especially if you’re not prepared for it in advance. In this article, I’ll share six practical ways to reduce holiday stress. These simple practices have helped me cope with holiday stress, stay calm and connected and ensure that my holidays are as enjoyable as possible!
With that said let’s look at these tips for managing holiday stress:
1 Set your intention to enjoy the holidays as much as you can

This is a simple practice, but it’s also an important one. Set your intention to enjoy the holidays as much as you can. This means focusing on what you can do to have fun, make others happy and be grateful for what you have. If we set our intentions in this way, then it will increase the likelihood of us getting what we want out of our holiday gatherings.
Remember that setting intentions doesn’t mean that everything will go perfectly or exactly how we want it; rather, it simply helps guide us toward where we want to go so that even if things don’t go according to plan (which they never actually do), at least there was some guidance along the way!
2 Savour any moments of well-being when they’re here

Is there a moment in the hustle and bustle that you can pause? Take this time to appreciate your surroundings, savour the warmth of a cup of hot cocoa or tea, listen to music that makes you feel good, and so on. This is when mindfulness practices come into play—if it helps, close your eyes and take some deep breaths until you feel calmer and more relaxed than before.
3 Take a break and regain your focus

Taking a break and practising self-care and self-love is an important part of handling holiday stress. When we’re feeling overwhelmed by work or just the general hustle and bustle of the season, it’s tempting to keep going right through the holidays because there’s so much to do. But taking breaks throughout the day can help you get your focus back and get more done in less time—plus they’re good for your health! Here are a few ideas for how to take a break:
- Find a quiet place to relax. A couch or favourite chair in front of the TV works great, but so does any place where you can be alone with your thoughts for five minutes. Try closing your eyes as well—it’ll help put distance between yourself and all that’s stressing you out (and also give you some peace). You could also try stretching or meditating on this break—whatever helps quiet those nerves will work!
- Find a quiet place to get some work done. If there’s something urgent around the house that needs fixing up before next week (or even tomorrow), then consider this option instead of escaping from reality entirely when taking breaks during stressful times like these! For example, You might want some chores completed before guests arrive at your door; or maybe presents must be wrapped before being placed under trees… Either way, having things accomplished ahead of time will give everyone involved less chance of getting stressed later down the road when everything else starts piling up around them too fast.”
4 Practice gratitude

It’s no surprise that practising gratitude is a great way to reduce stress. When you’re grateful for the things you have and the people in your life, it makes it easier to be patient when things don’t go as planned or to see the funny side of something that may otherwise seem annoying. Gratitude also helps you find happiness in unexpected places and situations, like when you’re stuck in traffic on your way back from visiting loved ones during the holidays (and still thankful they were able to celebrate with you).
To practice gratitude: write down 3 things that make up your day-to-day life that is worth being grateful for every single day (this could be something as simple as an amazing latte at Starbucks or spending time with friends).
5 Practice generosity

This holiday season, make it a point to give more than you receive. Whether you’re giving your time, money, kindness and compassion, or self-care (and space), generosity is the best way to handle holiday stress because it helps us feel connected and less alone in our busy lives.
6 Play and have fun

Remember what it was like when you were a kid during the holidays? Let yourself experience that again. Be around kids if you can. Tune into and take delight in their enthusiasm. Singing or dancing are excellent ways to get out of your head and open to joy. As David Elkind, author of The Power of Play, writes, “Decades of research have shown that play is crucial to physical, intellectual, and social-emotional development at all ages.”
If you set your intention to enjoy the holidays, take breaks, practice gratitude and give to others you’ll be able to handle your holiday stress in a healthy way. The best way to deal with holiday stress is by practising intentional relaxation techniques like mindfulness meditation, yoga or deep breathing exercises.

It helps if you also make time for play during your day so that even small things like colouring books or puzzles can help you refocus and relax after being in an environment where there are lots of distractions around you all day long (such as shopping malls).
Finally, remember that happiness is contagious. If you are happy, it increases the odds that your close friends and family will be happy as well. The more you can stay connected to your own happiness, the more you help others get in touch with their own well-being. We all benefit when you can awaken the joy within you. Happy Holidays!