10 simple habits to enjoy your life more. Regularly practising these 10 habits will put the fun back into your life!
Life can be tough, and it’s easy to feel overwhelmed or exhausted by the daily grind. We all need a break from the madness sometimes—and I’m here to tell you how! These simple habits will help you find joy in your life again.
1 Plan the fun

To have fun, you need to plan it. Don’t leave your time open and let it happen as it will. Instead, set aside time for activities that you know will bring enjoyment. You can create a whole schedule of fun things with friends or family members—or just as easily create one for yourself when no one else is around. Even if your partner is at work all day, you can still plan something fun for later on that evening! And even if your kids are still young enough not to understand what’s going on anyway, making plans with them is a great way of involving them in family life while also teaching them that planning is fun and rewarding.
As a bonus: once the plans are made (and they won’t be forgotten like so many other “plans”), they’ll feel more real than ever before.
2 Find beauty in the little things

You know you’re a positive person when you find the beauty in the little things.
When you look at yourself through a positive lens, it can change your perspective on what makes someone beautiful. A lot of us don’t see our beauty because we’re stuck in our heads worrying about things that don’t matter. Instead of focusing on these negative thoughts, try focusing more on how beautiful everything is—including yourself!
3 Say yes more often

Have you ever been somewhere and thought, “I wish I wasn’t here right now?” Or have you ever felt so weighed down by your responsibilities that being anywhere felt like a chore? There are ways to get out of these funks—and one of them is simply saying yes more often. When we stop saying no so easily, our lives start to open up in unexpected ways. We learn new things and meet new people; we get out of our comfort zones and take risks; we create more opportunities for joy and spontaneity in our lives. Saying yes can help us break through any ruts or repetitive patterns we’re stuck in—and it also tends to bring us closer with those around us, since most people like hearing someone say “yes” as much as they do hearing “no.”
4 Don’t hold grudges

Most of us hold on to grudges. If someone has done something that we don’t approve of, we tend to hold onto it for a long time. We keep thinking about it and can’t let go of the negative feelings associated with that person or situation.
Why do we do this? The reason is simple: it’s easier than letting go and forgiving.
5 Choose joy, avoid bad energy

The first and easiest way to be happier is to avoid negative energy. It’s quite simple: if you’re with people who are complaining and bringing you down, then get away from them. If you’re in a conversation about something that makes you feel bad, change the subject or end it altogether. Avoid watching anything that makes your mood worse. If there’s music playing that has lyrics suggesting hopelessness or negativity (not every artist is going to write songs about joy), find another song to listen to instead of dwelling on those words. You get the idea!
If someone asks “how are you?” and they don’t care how YOU are doing (they just want the answer so they can tell everyone else), don’t give them what they want unless it’s going to make YOU feel good too! Don’t let anyone make decisions for your life based on their preferences or needs—that doesn’t mean being selfish; it means knowing yourself better than anyone else ever will!
6 Go outside every day

Get outside every day. There are many benefits of being in nature: It has been shown to reduce stress levels and boost your mood, improve cognitive function, increase your overall physical health, and even lower the risk of death from cardiovascular disease. Even if you live in a city or have limited access to green space—or both—the outdoors is still accessible through parks and public spaces. Take advantage of these opportunities to go for walks; explore by bike; go on hikes, or simply sit outside on your stoop or balcony with a cup of coffee.
Seek connections with others who share your interests. Being around people with similar interests helps you feel like part of a community and can help build self-esteem as well as give you someone else’s perspective on things that matter most to you.
7 Learn something new

You can learn a new skill, read a book, try a new hobby or take a class in any subject. It doesn’t matter which one you choose; the important thing is that it’s something you’re interested in and feel like doing.
You can sign up for an online class at Coursera or edX (there are many different options to choose from). These websites have free courses taught by renowned professors at top-tier universities across the world. The courses are self-paced and come with video lectures and reading materials as well as discussion forums where students can ask questions and interact with each other.
8 Challenge yourself

You may have noticed that deeply satisfied people tend to have a variety of hobbies and interests. You don’t need to be an expert in any one thing, but having a few areas of interest is important for feeling fulfilled.
It’s also important that you challenge yourself in these areas. One way I do this is by learning new languages through Duolingo or Memrise apps on my phone; another way is by trying out new sports with friends at the gym (yoga, anyone?). Challenging yourself doesn’t have to mean quitting your job and starting over with something completely different; it can simply mean taking on tasks that make you nervous or uncomfortable because they’re unfamiliar—and then doing them anyway.
9 Minimise the unenjoyable

The first step to minimising the unenjoyable is to acknowledge its presence in your life.
This might sound like a strange thing to say – after all, we’re talking about things that aren’t enjoyable and yet here I am saying that you need to acknowledge their presence. But it’s true – if you don’t acknowledge the things that aren’t enjoyable in your life, they’ll keep coming back and biting you on the arse.
I’m not talking about the big stuff such as work or relationships here – those are easy enough to see and understand (if not easy enough to fix). I’m talking about the little things: the TV shows that aren’t interesting; the people who bore you; going out when you’d rather stay in; eating foods that make you feel bad afterwards; wasting time on pointless activities…
These little things can add up over time and take away from your enjoyment of life. If you don’t get rid of them, they’ll become part of your daily routine and start feeling normal but they don’t have to be normal! Simplifying your life is a great way to create more space for what you truly want in your life.
10 Self-reflect

The first thing you can do to enjoy your life more is to think about how you’re feeling right now.
Are you happy with the way things are going? Would it be possible for you to live a better life, in terms of career and finances?
Ask yourself what it would take for your life to improve. What goals can I achieve that would make everything better? Think about where you’d like to be one year from now, then five years from now—what kind of person do you want to become?

Once you’ve figured out where those changes need to happen (and why), brainstorm some ideas for how they could come about. You don’t have unlimited resources or time on this earth, so try not to overcommit—but also don’t give up if something seems too big at first glance! If there’s something important enough for us all to work towards as a society as well as individuals within our own lives—like getting healthier–it will probably require more than just one person working hard by themselves; we’ll need a lot of people doing their part together.”
In summary, if you’re looking to enjoy your life more then these simple practices can help you achieve that. We hope that you found this post helpful and can put some of these ideas into practice in your own life.