Minimalism Self-Care

How to Simplify Your Life and Why You Should

How to Simplify Your Life and Why You Should

Simplifying your life is a great way to create more space for what you truly want in your life. This post will explain what those benefits are and how to simplify your life starting today!

It’s easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle of daily life. We become overwhelmed by the demands of work, family and friends, as well as the other responsibilities we have. The result is that we feel stressed out, frustrated and unhappy with our lives. 

Why You Should Simplify Your Life

Why you should simplify your life. Image shows a table with books and a candle next to a plant.

Have More Time & Energy

The less time you spend on things that aren’t important, the more time you have for important things. By decluttering your home and your schedule, you create more time for family, friends and other activities that bring joy into your life!

Do Fewer Things Better

When we do less we have more time for each thing we do. This means we can focus on doing something well rather than just getting it done quickly so we can move on to the next task on our list. When this happens we become better at what we do because we invest more time learning how to do it better!

Be Present Fully Present

The less clutter in our lives the easier it is to be present with those around us including our children and spouse or partner! Simplifying your life can help you stay more present because you won’t be worrying about all the tasks you need to get done, thinking about getting to the next step or feeling drained from overextending yourself. 

Live With Purpose Instead Of On Autopilot

Do you find yourself sometimes living on autopilot, you’re doing everything you need to be doing but not sure why? Simplifying your life means trying to find joy, happiness and enjoyment in what you do every day. Make a conscious effort to be present, instead of dazed and distracted all the time. If you don’t feel like you’re in control of your own life it might be a sign you need more self-care in your life.

How To Simplify Your Life

Learn how to simplify your life. Image shows a sofa decorated with book, candles and pillows.

Prioritize – Decide What Is Important

The first step to simplifying your life is to prioritize. It sounds simple, but in reality, it’s not easy to do this. You need to look at what you have going on in your life and decide what is important and what isn’t.

You can start by creating a list of all of the things that are on your plate right now. Then, you must decide which items are most important and which can be pushed back or eliminated.

Say No

Saying no is another important step in simplifying your life. If someone asks you for help with something or if there are too many commitments in your social calendar, then it’s time to say no. If a friend invites you out on Friday night but you already have plans for Saturday night, then choose the activity that will make you happiest instead of giving in to peer pressure.

Let Go Of Things That You Can’t Control

Letting go of things that don’t matter will help you simplify your life significantly over time! When something comes up that doesn’t fit into your schedule, leave it behind without regret or guilt! There’s no need to be attached to everything; just let go and move on!


A powerful way to simplify your life is to declutter. Untidy environments often increase stress for many people. This can be as simple as going through your closet, getting rid of what you haven’t worn in the past year, or it can be more complex like clearing out a room in your house.

Regardless of how much clutter you have, decluttering will always help simplify your life. When you get rid of all that excess stuff, it feels amazing! You’ll feel lighter and freer. You won’t have to worry about cleaning up or organizing anything because there’s nothing left to organize!

Create A Lifestyle Through Small Changes

An important part of simplifying your life is making small changes that create a lifestyle change. For example, if you are looking for ways to simplify your life, try making one change at a time instead of trying too many things at once. Changing too many things at once can be overwhelming and stressful. By taking small steps every day or week instead of trying everything at once, it’ll be easier for you to stick with those changes long-term and achieve the results that you want from them!

Pinterest image - how to simplify your life

Try For Yourself!

Life is going to be busy. There’s no avoiding it. But you do have the power to determine how you deal with the situations life throws at you; there are steps you can take to prevent your life from becoming a stressful mess. The benefits of simplifying your life will not only make your life a lot more peaceful, but it will also give you more time and space for the things that truly matter to you.

So try these tips for simplifying your life and see if you don’t feel happier, lighter and more positive about the way you are living.

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