
5 Decisions That Inspired My Intentional Life: My Vision For A Simpler Life

5 Decisions That Inspired My Intentional Life: My Vision For A Simpler Life

5 Decisions That Inspired My Intentional Life: My Vision For A Simpler Life

Life is full of decisions that shape our existence. Looking back on my own life, I can identify several key decisions that have had a significant impact on who I am and how I live. These decisions were intentional, meaning that I made them with purpose and with an eye towards creating the kind of life I wanted to lead. In this blog post, I will share five intentional decisions that have inspired my life.

I wanted more freedom to travel

5 Decisions That Inspired My Intentional Life: My Vision For A Simpler Life. I wanted more freedom to travel.
Photo credit: Canva

One of the key decisions that have inspired my life was the desire for more freedom to travel. I love exploring new places and experiencing different cultures, so I have made it a priority to design a life that allows me to travel regularly. I’m actively taking steps to create a location-independent career that allows me to work from anywhere in the world.

While the last three years have brought many challenges and devastating changes for many, they have also brought opportunities for growth and change. These years have allowed us to question the status quo and re-evaluate our priorities and values.

A lot of us have dramatically changed the way we work and live, and living through it has taught us that we are much more capable of working remotely than we may have thought. Many companies have transitioned to remote work, and have found that it can be just as productive, if not more so, than traditional office work.

For me, the past three years have reinforced my desire to create a location-independent career. It has shown that it’s possible for many to work from anywhere in the world, as long as they have a good internet connection and the right skills and tools.

I wanted to look after myself

5 Decisions That Inspired My Intentional Life: My Vision For A Simpler Life. I wanted to look after myself.
Photo credit: Canva

Another intentional decision that has had a significant impact on my life is the decision to look after myself. I wanted to prioritize my physical, emotional, and mental well-being, so I made it a priority to adopt healthier habits. This included eating a balanced diet, exercising regularly, and practising self-care. By taking care of myself, I have been able to live a more vibrant and fulfilling life.

To start, I made changes to my diet and exercise routine. I began eating a balanced diet that included plenty of whole foods, fruits, and vegetables. I also made it a priority to exercise regularly, finding activities that I enjoyed and that worked for my lifestyle. This meant trying new things, such as yoga and hiking, and finding ways to incorporate physical activity into my daily routine.


In addition to physical health, I recognized the importance of taking care of my emotional and mental well-being. This meant incorporating self-care practices into my life, such as meditation, journaling, and spending time in nature. I also made it a priority to prioritize my mental health by seeking support from a therapist when needed.

Looking after myself also meant setting boundaries and saying no to things that didn’t align with my values or priorities. This was a difficult but necessary step in taking care of myself and prioritizing my well-being.

Overall, the intentional decision to look after myself has had a profound impact on my life. By prioritizing my physical, emotional, and mental health, I have been able to live a more vibrant and fulfilling life. I have more energy, feel more confident, and am better equipped to handle the challenges that life throws my way. Looking after myself has also allowed me to show up as my best self in my relationships and in my work, ultimately leading to greater success and fulfilment in all areas of my life.

I wanted a meaningful life

5 Decisions That Inspired My Intentional Life: My Vision For A Simpler Life. I wanted a meaningful life.
Photo credit: Canva

Creating a meaningful life was another intentional decision that inspired me. For a long time, I felt like I was just going through the motions of life, doing what was expected of me without really considering what I truly wanted. But then, I realized that I wanted to do work that was fulfilling and made a positive impact on the world. I wanted to contribute to something greater than myself and make a difference in the lives of others.

So, I made the conscious decision to choose a career path that aligned with my values. I sought out opportunities to work in organizations that were making a positive impact on society, whether it was through social justice, environmental sustainability, or community building. I also started to think about my values and what was truly important to me and made sure that my career and life choices reflected those values.


But creating a meaningful life isn’t just about career choices – it’s also about how you spend your time outside of work. I realized that I needed to make a conscious effort to incorporate activities and experiences into my life that brought me joy and fulfilment. For me, that meant spending more time in nature, practising yoga and meditation, and connecting with loved ones.

By prioritizing meaning and purpose, I have been able to create a life that feels rich and fulfilling. Of course, there are still challenges and struggles, but knowing that I am working towards something greater than myself and living in alignment with my values has brought me a sense of fulfilment and satisfaction that I never felt before. It’s a constant journey of learning and growing, but I’m grateful for the intentional decision to create a meaningful life, and the positive impact it has had on my well-being and the world around me.

I wanted to build meaningful relationships

5 Decisions That Inspired My Intentional Life: My Vision For A Simpler Life. I wanted to build meaningful relationships.
Photo credit: Canva

Building meaningful relationships was another intentional decision that has had a significant impact on my life. I’ve come to realize that the quality of my relationships is one of the most important factors in my overall well-being and happiness. So, I made it a priority to invest in my relationships and cultivate deep connections with the people in my life.

This intentional decision meant making time for the people I care about, even if it meant sacrificing other commitments or responsibilities. I’ve learned that being present and fully engaged in my interactions with others is key to building trust and creating meaningful connections. I also made a conscious effort to be vulnerable and authentic in my interactions, sharing my thoughts and feelings openly and honestly. This has allowed me to build deeper connections with others, as they are more likely to reciprocate vulnerability when they feel safe and trusted.

I wanted more out of life

5 Decisions That Inspired My Intentional Life: My Vision For A Simpler Life. I wanted more out of life.
Photo credit: Canva

Finally, the decision to want more out of life was a driving force behind many of my intentional choices. I wanted to live a life that felt full and rich, so I made it a priority to pursue my passions and interests. This meant saying yes to new experiences, taking risks, and embracing opportunities that aligned with my values. By living with intention and purpose, I have been able to create a life that feels abundant and full of possibility.

In conclusion, life is full of decisions, and the choices we make can have a significant impact on our lives. By making intentional decisions, we can create the kind of life we want to lead. Wanting more out of life, building meaningful relationships, pursuing a meaningful life, looking after ourselves, and wanting more freedom to travel were all intentional decisions that have inspired my life. By making these choices with purpose, I have been able to create a life that feels rich, fulfilling, and aligned with my values.

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